Affiliate program acceptance

QRtrav reserves the right to review all new affiliate applications and we may notify you via email if we have any reservations with your application.

Before we fully approve an application, will review the details and may contact you for more information if needed. The fact that we auto-approve applications does not imply that we may not re-evaluate your application at a later time. In certain cases we may need that you supply additional information regarding how you will promote our brand, products and services before we fully accept your affiliate application.

Upon email notification of acceptance to participate in the QRtrav affiliate program, the terms and conditions of this agreement shall apply in full force and effect, until terminated, pursuant to the terms set forth below and you agree to fully comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement at all times, including any applicable program policies.

Commissions and payments

In order to receive affiliate payments under this agreement, you must have agreed to the terms of this agreement (completed through initial application form) and have a valid and up-to-date payment email address on your affiliate account with us, which we will also use to notify you of monthly affiliate payouts.

QRtrav affiliates will receive a commission on every sale of our Premium QR code digital download – This is our Digital premium label, which includes the users unique profile ID number displayed underneath the QR code.

All commissions are calculated on a monthly basis and affiliate payments are made on the 5th day of each month, where accumulated commissions that are generated on the affiliate account exceeds 50 euros in total. We pay monthly commissions in the euro currency and payouts with a 50 euro minimum threshold per payout. If you don’t reach 50 euro on your account, your earnings carry over to the next month.

Affiliate commissions are made via PayPal to the payment email address that we have on record. It’s also possible for affiliates to be paid via bank transfer (instead of PayPal) and this can be arranged by contacting us directly and requesting this (and giving the details) however bank charges may apply for commission payments made in any other currency outside the euro.

For affiliates to be eligible for commission on individual sales, each new user introduced to QRtrav must actually buy the Premium QR code, as the free version of our service does not generate any income.

Commissions are calculated using our online affiliate system which registers sales made via tracking your unique affiliate link. Our affiliate tracking software is the only source based on which we determine whether affiliates register sales.

QRtrav reserves the right to change our affiliate commission rates in the future if needed, both higher or lower, depending on market conditions.

QRtrav affiliate portal

Our online affiliate portal allows you to sign up for an account, generate referral links, access creatives, view all stats, edit profile information and much more.

All QRtrav affiliates can view a full set of statistics and activity, including total referred visits, commissions and payouts in one place within the online affiliate manager dashboard. This makes it easy for affiliates to monitor their marketing efforts.

One of the reasons why affiliate marketing works is the cookie. A cookie is a simple tracking code that an affiliate program installs into the computers of potential buyers. It is triggered once a buyer clicks an affiliate link. When this event happens, the cookie is placed on the buyer’s browser, and he is identified to be the referral of the affiliate who advertised the link. When a user clicks your affiliate link you’ll earn commission on any sale completed within the 60 day window (after the initial action) as our affiliate system sets the browser system cookie life to 60 days.

Our cookies store information about your potential customer. It includes their IP address, the time and date of their visit, and their time on site. All of these things are recorded to prevent abuse of affiliate links and our system will only record valid sales.

You will only be eligible for a commission payment for any customer transactions that derived from affiliate leads generated by the affiliate link that we make available to you and are accepted by QRtrav.

Social media, influencer marketing requirements

All social media influencer affiliates must comply in full with marketing and advertising laws relating to legal requirements on the platforms they promote us on. This includes the most popular social media platforms Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok. Social media platforms set out laws and rules which are also applicable to affiliate links. Affiliates must inform their audiences that they earn a commission when promoting our paid products and services, and each individual social media platform has rules on how they must do so.

Affiliates should accurately represent the QRtrav brand and its products or services in their promotional efforts. This includes ensuring that their own website or social media channel is professional, user-friendly and free from offensive or inappropriate content.

Affiliates must fully comply with the specific policies and guidelines of the social media platforms they use for promotion. This includes adhering to rules for disclosing affiliate sales, content restrictions, and community guidelines. QRtrav reserves the right to monitor social media influencer affiliate activities and monitor sales and conversion rates.

Intellectual property – What affiliates can create with our content

QRtrav remains the owner of all intellectual property rights attached to our content and the products affiliates promote. Any content an affiliate creates with our promotional content also becomes QRtrav intellectual property. When an affiliate creates something themselves, maybe a blog post or social media post with QRtrav content available for affiliate marketing purposes, they become the co-owners of that new content they create with the materials.

Protection from disparagement

All affiliates shall agree to forbear from making, causing to be made, publishing, ratifying or endorsing any and all disparaging remarks, derogatory statements or comments made towards the QRtrav brand, it’s products and services, with regards to or otherwise degrading QRtrav’s reputation. Further, all affiliates shall hereto agree to forbear from making any public or non-confidential statement with respect to any claim or complaint against QRtrav without the consent of QRtrav, to be given in advance of any such statement.

All affiliates agree that they will not make or publish any statement critical of QRtrav including their respective executive officers and directors, or in any way adversely affecting or otherwise maligning the business or reputation of QRtrav or associated partners.

Affiliate program – What is not allowed

Affiliates are prohibited from promoting our brand, products or services alongside any online or offline content related to gambling, adult content, or illegal substances. This includes any reference to QRtrav, our products or services that could appear on a website or social media account that includes content related to gambling, adult content, or illegal substances.

All of our affiliates are prohibited from engaging in any deceptive or misleading marketing practices, such as using false claims or testimonials to promote a product.

It is prohibited for any affiliate to use email spam or unsolicited email marketing to promote their affiliate links.

If our affiliate program terms and conditions are not adhered to in full, then we reserve the right to immediately terminate any individual affiliate account that breaks our affiliate program terms and conditions and take away all their rights to commission payments.

QRtrav aims to maintain a positive reputation and ensure that all our affiliate partners promote our brand, products and service in a responsible and ethical manner.

Transfer of agreement – Limitations

You will not assign or transfer this agreement to any third party, including any assignment or transfer by reason of merger, reorganisation, change of control or operation of law, without prior written consent by QRtrav.

Revisions to our affiliate program terms and conditions

We reserve the right to revise our affiliate program terms and conditions. Should any revision be unacceptable to you, you agree to terminate our mutual affiliate program agreement. Your continued use of our affiliate program following such notification of any such revision (or revisions) shall be deemed as acceptance of and agreement to abide by all such revisions.